How to be productive when working from home

Due to the current outbreak of COVID-19, many businesses have been forced into remote working, with thousands of staff members working from home.

Tip 1 - Ensure you stick to a routine

Sounds simple but as soon as your routine is disturbed you are more likely to get yourself into a rut. If you used to get up for work at 6:00 am, then do that. Go for your shower, get dressed and have breakfast as if you are getting ready to leave for work. Keeping your routine will keep you focused and less likely to lounge in your pyjamas binge watching your favourite show on Netflix!

Tip 2 - Create a separate space for work

It doesn’t matter what size your house is, ensure you have a separate area cleared so you can create a workable space that is comfortable. It could be the kitchen table, a desk in your bedroom or the dining room. It doesn’t matter where it is, as long as it is free of distractions.

Tip 3 - Avoid TV and household tasks

When working from home, it is so easy to be distracted by the TV in the background or that pile of washing waiting to be done. It may be tempting to get the housework done or catch up on your favourite show for an hour but it actually kills productivity. Use the time you would usually travel to work to get these tasks done or start work earlier, so you can finish earlier to get them done. Trying yo multi-task actually decreases your productivity as it takes your brain extra time to switch mental gears between tasks.

Tip 3 - Plan

My motto, “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” By ensuring you plan your day, mapping out things that need done and when they need done really helps. Set aside 15 minutes at the start or end of each day and block time out in your calendar for tasks that need to be completed. This really helps with keeping you focused on one task at a time and actually helps you get more done.

I hope you have found these tips useful. For more helpful hints and tips on how to manage your time better and increase your productivity, join my free Facebook community.


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